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The Bulletproof Diet

The Bulletproof Diet focuses on both quality and quantity. It includes nutrient-dense, high-quality foods that feed your body at a cellular level and minimize your body’s exposure to harmful toxins, such as chemicals and mold. Some distinguishing traits of the Bulletproof Diet are that it makes you feel awesome, encourages you to eat more fat than most high-fat-low-carb diets, and includes one day per week of protein fasting.

The Atkins Diet is a popular high-fat low-carb diet that forces a state of ketosis (burning ketones as your primary fuel) in the body, prompting high rates of fat loss (when there are high amounts of fat to lose). Many people who follow Atkins, or any general low-carb diet, eat non-organic produce and grain-fed meat out of convenience or ignorance. Unfortunately, these foods contain hormones, pesticides, and other toxicants that can harm and slow down your performance.

The Paleo Diet is a primal, ancestral diet based on the types of foods assumed to have been eaten by early humans. The Paleo Diet consists mainly of meat, fish, vegetables, and fruit, while it excludes dairy, grains, and most processed foods. Followers of Paleo use lean proteins and healthy fats, presumably to support strong muscles, healthy bones, and optimal immune function. Paleo recommends consuming a higher percentage of fruits and protein than the Bulletproof Diet, which recommends higher percentages of healthy fats and vegetables.

The Bulletproof Diet incorporates some elements of meal timing. For example, Bulletproof Intermittent Fasting is not like Paleo Intermittent Fasting, because Bulletproof encourages Bulletproof Coffee in the morning, as opposed to not having anything at all. Bulletproof Coffee contains MCT, or Brain Octane oil, and grass-fed butter that boosts and stabilizes your energy throughout the day. Since you are not consuming glucose or protein, the fast is not disrupted. The Bulletproof Diet also encourages you to time your carb consumption to improve sleep quality. Make that post-carb energy crash work for your benefit by timing it so you get tired right around bedtime.

The Ketogenic Diet encourages constant ketosis, but that can cause negative effects for some, including thyroid or hormone imbalance, adrenal fatigue, poor sleep quality, and extremely dry eyes. The Bulletproof Diet does not encourage this constant ketosis; it does utilize nutritional ketosis which allows for a one-day carb reload to trigger autophagy. Autophagy is a process your body uses to clear out clutter, helping to keep you young. Over time, dead organelles, damaged proteins, and oxidized particles build up, getting in the way of cell function and accelerating aging.  You want your cells to perform autophagy well in order to look, feel, and operate your best.

Decreasing inflammation is crucial in any effective fat-loss protocol, including the Bulletproof Diet. Unfortunately, most people with low-level chronic inflammation do not see the connection between their symptoms and the foods that are causing them. When the body reacts to food, it sends out inflammatory proteins and cortisol, which create low chronic inflammation. This type of chronic inflammation may impair digestion and cause sore joints, headaches, food cravings, and brain fog. Within a week of being on the Bulletproof Diet, my body turned off those food cravings because I limited toxins and increased nutrient-dense foods. As you begin eating more nutritious and satisfying foods, while removing anti-nutrients from your diet, your brain will feel noticeably sharper and your energy will increase. Removing temptation will make the first few steps a lot easier, as you don't have to struggle with whether you should cheat to transition. So clean out your pantry to help clean out your body.

Although all Bulletproof Diet followers use the same guidelines to eat the right types of food, no two Bulletproof Diet followers eat the exact same way, nor do they take the exact same supplements. The Bulletproof Diet Guide makes it easy to identify the range of foods from “more Bulletproof” to “less Bulletproof.” It identifies which foods may be likely to make it difficult for you to reach your ultimate mental and physical performance. The best way to find out what works for you is to try isolating foods and see if you feel a difference.  For example, some people can eat nightshades, but personally, they make my joints ache.

The best choices of Bulletproof foods have the lowest toxins, the highest nutritional content, and are the least inflammatory. They'll make you feel in control, supercharge your brain and body, boost your performance, help you lose weight, allow you to look younger, and improve your overall health. Foods that should be eaten the most are vegetables, fats, and proteins, in that order. Almost all vegetables are healthy in their natural form, as long as they're not canned, fried, or otherwise tampered with, as each have specific health benefits. Nuts, starches, and fruit are foods to eat in moderation. These contain significant amounts of carbs and some anti-nutrients, so choose these wisely. They aren't unhealthy, but if you overeat them they will not help you reach your goals of eliminating food cravings, feeling awesome all the time, and looking great in your clothes.

Diets should not to be difficult to maintain or leave you starving. On the Bulletproof Diet, you will nourish your body and better your performance by first supporting and aiding your brain, hormones, immune system, and many other important functions. Start small or jump in full force—contact me for support or questions, and let’s journey together to be more Bulletproof!

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