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I am writing from a small town on the edge of our nations fourth largest city, for everyone who wants to live a healthy life with more energy and confidence. If you are sick and tired of being sick and tired or you just want to find ways to maximize your time with sustained energy, you are going to feel right at home. This blog was created to help inform you how our bodies work and how what we put in it and what we surround ourselves with effects how we perform and feel.
My journey started as a pre-teen who society led to believe that "health" was achieved when you successfully mimic the image of the latest celebrity. This lead me down the roads of anorexia, bulimia, fad diets, and being obsessed with burning calories any way I could. With only the hope of what I wanted to achieve in the forefront of my mind, I hardly considered the consequences of my decisions. After struggling with this mindset for 6 years, my body started retaliating and I feared I wouldn't be able to have children if I kept my current lifestyle. At this time my mom, who had Rheumatoid Arthritis, had seen so much healing through a diet her nutritionist recommended, so I made this my new target. I began juicing, taking multivitamins, getting in more than my recommended dose of fruits and vegetables, and kept my processed food consumption to a reasonable amount. One year later I got married and two months after that, I got pregnant!
My pregnancy took me to a whole new level of health, which led me to eliminating unnecessary sugar from my diet and increasing protein consumption. This new way of eating paid off and I had an exceptional pregnancy followed by an amazing natural birth. As this new beautiful person entered my life, so did more studying on how to continue to fuel myself the right way, so I could in turn feed my baby the right way.
In the four years following my daughters birth, my focus on health exceeded what I thought was possible. My husband, who had been fighting Leaky Gut Syndrome since the beginning of our marriage, went from rock bottom physically to getting his health back. We saw countless doctors, tried a combination of diets, visited two different clinics out-of-state, and ingested more supplements than food. By July 2017 he had finally reached a point of sustainable health. We continue to increase our understanding of how our bodies work and what we can do to help it help us. When I gain more understanding about health and wellness I swell up with excitement! As I am able to grasp how complex and wonderful our bodies are and how they behave, is helps me know how to fuel it and avoid harming it.
I hope that by sharing what I have come to learn, more people can understand how they can take control of their health and live life to the fullest. You only get one life, enjoy it while you have it!

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